How can a recruitment agency help you secure a job?

Here at Colbern Limited we are a top class recruitment agency. Working with local authorities and the private sector, we have a proven track record of putting the right employees, in the right places. But how do you you know if a recruitment agency is the right place for you to find the perfect job? And what exactly does a recruitment agency do for potential employees? Well here are some tips to help you use a recruitment agency to your advantage.

How can a recruitment agency help you secure a job?

A recruitment agency can help you find the perfect job, but you will also need to do some of the work, including:

  • keeping your CV up to date
  • Finding relevant positions
  • Developing positive relationships

Updated CV

First of all, make sure you have an up to date CV that you use to register with a recruitment agency. Not only that, but make sure you also upload this same CV to every job-site going, from Indeed to Monster. This will increase your exposure, and give you more chance of being picked up or head hunted by interested parties. It also makes it a lot easier for people to get in touch with you.

Relevant positions

To give yourself the best chance as a potential employee, make sure you only apply for positions that are relevant to you and your skills. If you dont meet the criteria, dont apply for the job. This is because applying for everything and anything can make you seem unfocused, and it can also distract you from the next big opportunity.

Build relationships

If you do choose to work with a recruitment agency, like us here at Colbern Limited, make sure you develop good working relationships. Check in regularly for updates, but also to update the agency about anything you might have been doing to land that dream job. Whether its training or a new qualification, work experience, or a new role at your current position, keep the agency updated.

If you think a recruitment agency could be perfect for you, why not get in touch with Colbern Limited today?