Clearly outlining your company values

If you are looking for new employees, and are advertising for new staff, it’s important to define the type of person you are looking for. Otherwise you will never know when you find the perfect candidate, and the potential employees applying for your position, also won’t know which skills and experience they should promote. As part of this, you will need to outline the necessary values that your company, and your future employees, should hold. So what does this mean in practice?

Clearly outlining your company values

What is your company built on, and what does your company stand for? Your answer to these questions can help to determine the core and underpinning values that you should be looking for from your future employees. These could include:

  • Honesty-many companies are looking for trustworthy and reliable employees. But is this a value that really underpins your company? If it is, then it is definitely something you should include in your job advertisement and any supporting documentation. This will give your candidates the best chance to prove their honesty and integrity through their personal statement and job application.
  • Ambition- many companies are founded on ambition. If this is something you need your employees to have, to drive your company forward and secure bigger and better deals, then again you need to make this known in your advertisement.
  • Reliability- if your company is built on reliability, being there for your customers or clients with products or services that are reliable and high quality, then its also something you should look for in your staff. You need staff that share this value, so that they present the right company image through all of their interactions with customers and clients.

For more information or advice about using your company values to create a job advertisement, get in touch with the team today, here at Colbern Limited.