Interview answers to look out for

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Organising and implementing job interviews can be a real challenge for employees. Most of your interviewees will be nervous and anxious, or even over-confident, and it can be difficult to draw out the answers you need. So how can you use interview answers to help you choose the right candidate for your business? And which answers should you look out for?

What are the important interview answers to look out for?

So, what should you be looking for in your job interview? Well, there are some answers that should stand out to you, both positively and negatively, these could include:

  • Honest anecdotes- If someone can provide an honest anecdote on the spot, relevant to the question or answer they are providing, you should be able to judge a number of things. These include the interviewees honesty and genuine attitude, as well as their ability to apply past experiences to current events and learn from them. Candidates that do not do this might not have as much experience, or as varied work experience, as others.
  • Potential leaders- If as part of your interview questions, you explore your company’s current projects, a great candidate wont just be interested in the topic, they will also be looking to the future of the project, and what they can offer. This shows a good amount of vision and potential leadership, which could be just what you are looking for.
  • Commitment- If the candidates you interview are not enthusiastic and passionate, you can’t be sure of their commitment to your company, and your cause. You should be looking for answers that show your candidate is committed, and has perhaps already committed to research about your business.

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