The difference between confidence and arrogance for job interviews

If you have a job interview lined up, you might be wondering about how you can make the best first impression. From choosing the right interview clothes, to being prepared and confident, you can help ensure that your interview will be a good one. But when interviewing, its important to remember the difference between confidence and arrogance, after all you dont want to appear cocky or rude. So how can you find the balance between confidence and arrogance? And can this help secure your dream job? well, here at Colbern Limited, we are leading recruitment specialists. As a result, we have produced this guide to help you sell yourself at a job interview, without coming across as arrogant or cocky.

The difference between confidence and arrogance

Some people tend to get confidence and arrogance confused. And that’s NOT something you want to do in a job interview. Confidence is viewed as a positive character trait that can indicate a level of self belief and esteem that can be absolutely necessary for some jobs and roles. While arrogance is viewed negatively, and can put off potential employers. So, in practice, what are the real differences? Well, consider these key areas:

  • Responsibility
  • Listening skills

Responsibility and accountability

Confident people have a secure sense of self, and this means that if they say something wrong, or do something wrong in the work place, they are likely to hold their hands up, listen and make amends for any mistakes. They take responsibility and are accountable for their mistakes. On the other hand, an arrogant person would try to blame others, or deflect attention from their mistakes, to make sure they are still held in high regard.

Listening skills

Confident people tend to demonstrate good listening skills, and will actively listen and question the interviewer. However, arrogant people are more likely to talk over others, or at the same time, and expect to be listened to first.

Tips for your job interview

While you want to come across as confident, you don’t want this to be thought of as arrogance. Consider:

  • Practicing active listening- show the speaker you are listening to what they say, and remember some key points to talk about later
  • Using evidence- managed an effective media campaign? Ran a busy kitchen for 25 years? Have a PHD in nuclear energy? Whatever skill set you bring to the table, in any industry, it pays to bring evidence. And keep it relevant. Bragging for the sake of bragging can give the impression of arrogance, while showing evidence of relevant success shows confidence and self belief.

For more information or advice, why not get in touch today?