Why does interview dress code matter?

There is a generally accepted dress code for a job interview, and following this can make or break your chances of a job. In general, if a company deviates from this dress code, you will be informed in writing when you receive your letter or email to attend the interview. And this is the only time you should wear something other than the generic interview dress code. But why does interview dress code matter? And what do your clothes really say about you? Well, here at Colbern Limited, we are leading recruitment specialists. We work with companies looking for their perfect staff, and job hunters looking to secure their dream job. And this is our guide to why your interview clothes should follow the standard dress code.

Why does interview dress code matter?

So, why do your interview clothes matter? Well, there are a number of reasons, including:

  • Passing the first test- the first test of any job interview is about how you present yourself, and whether or not you will fit in with the team at the company you want to work for. Being able to follow instructions is always a good thing to bring to the table, for any job. And wearing the right clothes shows this to your potential employers.
  • Good impression- smart clothes can help to make a positive impression on your interview panel. Being clean, neat and well presented is a basic thing that most companies will expect of all their employees, and wearing the correct job interview clothes, shows them that you will meet this standard.
  • Feel confident- being dressed for the part is a good way to help you get your mind in the zone, and to feel confident in the interview. Confidence will be key to securing the job, but be careful to avoid over-confidence!

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Colbern Limited.