Setting SMART targets to achieve your dream job

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If your New Year resolution was to find a new job, or even to land your dream job, but you’re already struggling, you should consider setting some SMART targets. These can help you break down the gigantic task of finding and securing a new position, with simple step by step actions. But what should you consider when setting SMART targets to achieve your dream job? Well, here at Colbern Limited, we are leading recruitment experts, and we know how difficult it can be to secure any new job, in any industry. And this is our guide to how SMART targets can help you.

What are SMART targets?

SMART is an acronym that you can use to help set the right goals, and then achieve them. The letters stand for:

  • S= Specific goals. Be specific. Which job do you want, at which company?
  • M=Measurable. You need to be able to track your progress, and know that you are making moves towards your goal at all times.
  • A=Achievable. Don’t aim for a job that you couldn’t do. If you don’t have medical training and experience, you can’t expect to be a doctor. If you do want a job that may be out of reach, or beyond your qualifications and experience level, take on training, or develop a portfolio. Make small goals, on your way to the ultimate goal.
  • R=Relevant.
  • Time bound. Set a time limit on your process, and give yourself a deadline for applying for a new job.

Why should you consider setting SMART targets to achieve your dream job

SMART targets can hep you evaluate and reflect on your goal setting, and your progress, on the way to achieving a new job. These are actionable targets, that you can actively work to meet, while waiting for a new job opportunity to become available.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Colbern Limited.