Tips on how to Create Great Video Job Descriptions!

top tips for the recruiting process

Instead of having a webpage featuring the information about the job, Job Video Descriptions are something that is becoming vastly popular among companies. They’re quick, easy and entertaining to watch as potential employees can see for themselves what a day working there will look like instead of reading about it.

All they need is a bit of planning and effort and away you go! And to get you started, we’ve put a list of tips together to help you on your way!

Be Yourself

Find out from your Employer Brand to see what it’s really like working at your company. Don’t lie about what you do, even if you think it’s boring (which you shouldn’t) there are definitely people out there looking for more traditional jobs and you’ll be surprised at the amount of offers you rake in!

Choose Enthusiastic Participants

Ideally, you want to choose people who work for you and will show their enjoyment about working at your company. Pick people whose enthusiasm really shines through. If you can’t find anyone for the job, there’s no need to panic as you can get in touch with a recruitment agency (like us) and we’ll be happy to help you out!

Talk About the Job

Don’t drone on and on about requirements as the viewer will get bored and eventually tune out. Keep it short and sweet with a brief description about the day to day work ethic and any challenges to overcome.

Plan Beforehand

You already know the ins and outs of the job but they don’t, so avoid babbling for ages and stuttering about what to expect. Make sure you know exactly what you’re going to say and when you’re going to say it. Leave out any awkward pauses and remember to smile!