Top tips for the recruiting process

top tips for the recruiting process

Here at Colbern Limited we are an extremely experienced recruitment company with long standing arrangements with various local authorities. As a result, we are able to offer advice to anyone thinking about using a recruitment service. Whether you are looking for work, or looking for the perfect candidate, our top tips for the recruiting process are applicable. Let us help you succeed.

Tip 1- Be responsible

If you are trying to find your dream job, be prepared to chase up offers, attend interviews and put yourself out to find the perfect opportunity.
Alternatively, if you are looking to recruit an ideal candidate, you’ll need to be prepared to provide relevant paperwork and details, and make sure you have time to met people. After all, a recruitment agency can find a lost of potential candidates, but only you can choose the right one.

Tip 2- Be available

When you are trying to find a job, you need to make yourself available.

This doesnt just mean being able to attend training, meetings and interviews, it also means getting your CV out there. Your CV needs to be ready for any eventuality, as does your portfolio if this is relevant to your work.

In addition, you need to make it easy for recruiters to get in touch and make sure you communicate truthfully.

Alternatively, as an employer you also need to make the paperwork available. Recruiters need to know the truth of the job role, to help find the candidate that fits.

In addition, although time is valuable, you will need to be available to speak to the agency and potential candidates if you are serious about recruiting.

Tip 3- Be collaborative

Work with the recruiting agency to get what you want. But dont expect them to do all of the work! After all, only you can seize the opportunity you are looking for, and you can waste your life just waiting for it to come along.

Dont sit there and wait. Do something and work collaboratively to achieve success.

In summary

Finding a job, or a suitable candidate is equally as challenging. Follow our top tips for the recruiting process, and this should make it easier for you. If you need a recruitment agency that you can trust, contact us at Colbern Limited today.